Search Demand for Remote Jobs In the UK Soars To All Time High In October 2022

Search Demand for Remote Jobs in the UK soars to all time high

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been huge shifts in the job markets. One of the most important ones is that remote work has gone mainstream.

More than two years later, after both business owners and employees have experienced the benefits of working remotely, the trend of remote work seems to be unstoppable.

We’ve studied the current surge in demand for remote jobs, and here are some of our findings:

  • In the UK, the search demand for “remote jobs” is at the highest levels ever recorded, in October 2022Search Demand for Remote Jobs in the UK - ResumeOK
  • Demand for remote jobs is up 218.34% year over year in October and averages around 200% increases every month in 2022 VS 20212022 VS 2021 Search Demand for Remote Jobs in the UK - ResumeOK
  • Demand is 888.89% higher in October 2022, when comparing to 2019 ( the year before the pandemic )
    2022 VS 2019 Search Demand for Remote Jobs in the UK - ResumeOK
  • Most demanded remote jobs are in the IT sector, followed by Customer Service, Finance, and HRMost demanded remote jobs in the UK - ResumeOK

Remote work is here to stay, and some industries are going to lead this.

There are many benefits that can arise from this huge change in the market, such as:

  • better for the environment ( global CO2 emissions during COVID-19 have declined by 17% )
  • better for businesses who no longer have to rent large offices for employees, or spend money on high utility bills
  • better for productivity and job satisfaction ( according to an article published in Forbes,  88% of employees agree that flexibility has increased their job satisfaction )

About the stats 

The above stats were conducted by analysing data from Google Trends, and other tools that provide search demand information. If you have any questions about the stats or findings, please contact us.

