negotiate salary

How to negotiate your salary

There are numerous reasons why we work. Some of us do it as a passion, while others just try to make a difference in the community. What we all have in common is the necessity to sustain ourselves and our families. After all, money is what pays the bills. Everybody wants a job, but our ultimate goal is a salary that can fulfil our needs. In this article, I will give you some tips on how you can negotiate your salary during the job interview and how you can ask for a pay raise.

Many career experts often advise people not to open a discussion on this topic with their employer. Below are a few strategies that will help you get the salary you deserve.

1. Study the company

Before going to the job interview, you need to study everything about the company, and what their previous employees have to say about them. You can find complaints or opinions by doing some simple searches on Google. Here are some key phrases you can use (replace “company” with your employer’s name):

  • I worked for company

  • Company scam

  • Company salary

  • About company

Even if the company you applied for doesn’t have a website, by spending some time doing your research, you can learn more about their previous employees, their budget and activity.

2. Should I talk about money during the first job interview?

The quick answer is “No”. Candidates should not talk about money during the initial interview. Instead, make the interviewer understand what are your most important accomplishments and how you can help the company grow by benefiting from your skills and knowledge. They need to be committed to needing you, before focusing on your needs.

3. How should I answer the salary question?

While you should never insist on this topic during the first interview, there comes a point when both parties want to know if they are on the same boat.

Before giving your answer to the question, you need to understand everything about the job position. If it involves travel, overtime or some specific skills, these factors will require a higher payroll. Sometimes these details are revealed during the 2nd interview.

The best answer for you to give would be: “I would like to learn more about the job requirements and company’s expectations, before discussing my salary requirements.”

If they insist and force you to give a specific number, you have two options:

  • Ask what is the company’s budget for this position

  • Give a rough estimate salary expectation, and mention that you will negotiate more after learning everything about the job position and requirements.

4. Know how much you’re worth

Of course, you have to be prepared to enter the wage negotiation. Treat the interview like it’s a pitch for a project or some services you are offering. Always highlight your most important skills and your accomplishments.

  • Do a search on LinkedIn for similar roles and get a salary range for your position. This should be your salary at minimum.

  • With LinkedIn, you can find people that work for the company. Check those with similar positions and look at their responsibilities.

5. Sell yourself and negotiate the salary

For any job position, there are at least a few hundred other candidates. During the job interview, you must demonstrate what value you can add to the company, and why you are the right person for this job.

If you are multi-skilled and you can contribute in various departments, this will help the company save money by hiring additional individuals.

Once the company understands that they need you, it’s time to negotiate your salary. Listen to their offer and ask about further compensation elements such as vacation days, trainings, bonuses or promotions.

Be confident and don’t answer right away. You are in control of the conversation now.

Need more tips for your job interview? Check our interview questions with answers.
