Category: Job interview tips


How To Answer Though Interview Questions

“Could you repeat the question?” We’re all familiar with that sinking feeling. The interview was going well, you thought every answer was exactly what they wanted to hear and then came the curveball. That tough question that you didn’t prepare for and don’t have an answer to. Tricky opening questions are a common occurrence in

Job interview tips
tough interview questions

How to Handle the Tough Questions During a Job Interview

Job interviews are hard to come by nowadays.  The unemployment rate remains high in most developed countries.  So when you do get a job interview, it is probably safe to assume that there are a lot of others in the interviewing pool that are just as qualified if not more so on paper.  That is

Job interview tips

How to run the perfect sales interview

Going into sales is not for everyone.  Believe it or not, your own personality will affect the way you work in sales; and it is usually not something you can fake.  In order to be great at sales, you need to have great people skills; and people skills are not something that can be feigned. 

Job interview tips
Top 10 Tips for Managing a Phone Interview

Top 10 Tips for Managing a Phone Interview

Many recruiters nowadays are beginning to stray from the traditional route of meeting potential candidates in person and opt for conducting phone interviews instead. This happens for a number of reasons. Sometimes an employer will get up to 1,000 job applications and there simply isn’t enough time in a day to meet with all of

Job interview tips
Job interview tips

Job interview tips

In the following article we will talk about the most common mistakes you should avoid, how to dress and how to behave during a job interview. How To Dress And Behave At Your Interview As the interview is your way of making a first impression, you probably do not want to wear anything that’s not

Job interview tips
50 Job Interview Questions and Answers

50 Job Interview Questions and Answers [Infographic]

Doing well on the job interview is crucial to getting the job, no matter how impressive your resume is.  And an important aspect of doing well in interviews is proper preparation.  For the most part, many of the interviews will have the same common questions that might be phrased a little differently.  So if you

Job interview tips

The Employee Skills That Companies Are Crying Out For

Put yourself in the shoes of big and small companies across the country. If you were them, what skills would you say sets one employee apart from another? There are some skills that are becoming a rarer and rarer commodity because they are in demand by so many companies that they are draining the talent

Job interview tips