ResumeOK’s Blog

Discover what experts recommend to write in your resume to get the most attention. On the blog, you can find hundreds of recommendations from top career experts about resume writing, cover letters, job interviews and career growth.

Employer Requires Experience and You Have None What’s Left To Do

It comes as a tough challenge for many new college grads to secure employment, especially in the tightly competitive job market. Job seekers with no work experience often ask this question: “How am I supposed to get a job when every employer seems to prefer those with experience?” Until the number of available jobs exceeds

Career advice
What Is A Cover Letter

What Is A Cover Letter

A cover letter is a document that introduces you to the person tasked to qualify candidates or proposals to the company or organization. It is usually attached to another document such as a Curriculum Vitae, company profile or business proposal. The cover letter is alternatively referred to as a Letter of Introduction, Letter of Intent

Cover letter
career mistakes to avoid

The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid During a Career Search

Most job seekers spend much of their time applying for jobs without really thinking about how they are going about it. We have all read advice on how to prepare for an interview but rarely do we get tips on how to go about the career search. Today we give job seekers information that will

Career advice

10 Ways To Make A Resume Attractive For The Employer

Looks do count, your resume included. Whether you are looking for a job as an intern or one of the local tutors in your neighbourhood, or applying for a nine to five job, resume is key. In fact, how your resume looks could make or break that first call from a potential employer. Here are

Resume writing tips
How To Write A Professional Cover Letter

How To Write A Professional Cover Letter

If you want to get ahead of the employment line then you should know how to write a professional cover letter. Over the last few years, discussions on the value of a cover letter have come up more frequently. Some recruiters say they believe the cover letter has outlived its purpose while some recruiters believe

Cover letter

How to run the perfect sales interview

Going into sales is not for everyone.  Believe it or not, your own personality will affect the way you work in sales; and it is usually not something you can fake.  In order to be great at sales, you need to have great people skills; and people skills are not something that can be feigned. 

Job interview tips
How To Write A 2 Week Resignation Letter

How To Write A 2 Week Resignation Letter

Moving on to the next chapter in our life is always a welcome change. Regardless of the circumstances, what matters most is having the ability to start all over; to breathe again. Whether it means moving to a new place or finding new relationships the circumstances surrounding the closure of one chapter remains the same:

Write An Outstanding Cover Letter

Write An Outstanding Cover Letter – Tips & Tools

Cover letters can make or break an opportunity. You may have the necessary skills to perform a job. However, without an intriguing and intelligent cover letter, your resume may never even be seen. While there are rules to follow, you also want to make your cover letter stand out. Stay within the guidelines and find

Cover letter